When for some unknown reason you give away ALL the trade secrets that relate to a craft. For example when john w golden gave away ALL the secrets to using resin. Therefore everyone in their grandmother starts doing it and it becomes passe.
Aww man don't do a tutorial and pull a John W. Golden! That guy ruined it for all the resin people.
5π 13π
A podcast skit from the show Cort and Fatboy, found on www.cortandfatboy.com . It documents the antics of George W. Bush as if he were a child running the white house, which is pretty much how it is in real life.
"Dude, did you hear that latest episode of George W. Bush Boy President?"
"Yeah it was great. Fatboy is the greatest."
112π 16π
The Francis W. Parker Robotics Club is one of the most elite and secretive organizations in the United States. The club meets in the famed Room 181 of the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago.
The FWP Robotics Club was first founded in 592 B.C. and had meeting places throughout Europe and the Middle East. It wasnβt until World War I that the club moved its headquarters to Chicago, Illinois.
Aside from Room 181, the FWP Robotics Club owns many properties around the world like the Venetia diamond mine in the Limpopo Province of South Africa and the Lavaux vineyards in Switzerland. The club is well known for having an impeccable wine collection including drinks such as the Chateau Lafite 1787 ($156,450) and Chateau Margaux 1787 ($225,000).
Room 181 contains over 600 sublevels. Due to the secrecy of Room 181 rumors have been made such as that it is the true birthplace of Jesus Christ and that he is buried on sublevel 542.
Rumor has it that they built a 22-mile particle accelerator underneath the Chicago neighborhood of Lincoln Park where they are safely producing 12 grams of Antihydrogen particles a day ($7.5 Quadrillion). With this wealth, the club plans to ruin the world economy and purchase the entire continent of Asia.
They never catch any fucking L's and have way too much money. With a net worth of over $189.3 Octillion and a history going back nearly 3000 years, the Francis W. Parker Robotics team is one of the most incredible high school organizations in U.S. history.
Some fool that's not in the FWP Robotics Club: "Did you hear that Edward Snowden leaked private "National Security Agency" files to the American people!?!
Francis W. Parker Robotics Club Member: "Yes, that was definitely Edward Snowden who did that"
-USSW - an Up standing Shower Wank,
Origonated in the Showe cubical and is still today one of mans hardest tasks he faces when in the Shower,
-Stand up in a shower and let rip
<marquee> HEY MUM IAM ON THE NET </marquee>
7π 23π
Randall Park is literally everywhereπ
My mans been in over 150 films/shows
I watch it for the plot...
Jimmy Wπ«π« is Everywhere
one of the most fucked over presidents of our time. other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had more shit pop up on their watch then him?
THE PILOTS THAT CRASHED AND WERE HELD CAPTIVE BY CHINA: not many people remember this, but like 5 months after he took office, asshole china ahd to go and try the man and it took a military threat from bush to get them to let the pilots go
9/11 : first off, to all the people that were talkin shit about him not leaving the school after the 1st plane hit, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE SUPPOSE TO DO ABOUT IT?! HE ISNT SUPERMAN OR BATMAN OR GREEN LANTERN OR ANY OF THAT DUMB SHIT!!!!
WMD's: for all u mental giants out there saying how they didnt find nukes in iraq so bush was wrong, let me enlighten ur dumbass or at least try: 1) they DID find the bombs there, all they needed was uranium, so please STFU about there not being nukes. second, if nukes were the only WMD, they wouldnt give it a second name, they would just call it nukes. ever heard of nerve gas and mustard gas? of course u havent, cuz ur incredibly stupid and/or just dont want to know so that in ur head u r justified in whining about bush.
economy: yes the wars started costing too much, but how do u really take a economy and fuck it inside out, let democrats try and fix it. once u guys took congress and the house, everything went to shit, thanks alot, u guys hella suck ass.
George W. Bush doesnt hate black people, he just doesnt have time to wipe their asses like dems do.
4π 75π
you found this. how? it was so well hidden. you did both symultaniouslyleft to right and right to left diagonally. you must be in class in 2020 or 2021.