Secret Hot Body
Yoghurt nature 2-3 tbs.(Gippland brand Good test for me)
Soy milk 300 ml.
Lemon 1/2 fruit (Juice)
Honey 1/2 tbt.(I not use but if u like a bit sweet u can)
Put all together in bottle shake and drink every day(If u constipation this's good for u to drink in the morning).
.It will clean your interstine(Fat)
Rule: Must not drink after 2 pm.because will make you fat
and u must not eat food after 6pm.(^_^)
Secret Hot Body
Up there(^_^)
Business on top, party on the bottom. When working from home from waist up you appear professional but from the waist down you are wearing, pajama bottoms, shorts, underwear, nothing, etc.
This body mullet appeals to my inner pervert none of my co-workers know my balls are hanging out during out weekly meeting.
someone whos body and mainly hands sweat profusely.
person 1: “man i just dapped up xavier and his hands were dripping wet. clam body lookin ass.”
person 2: “yeah, he a whole clambody”
She wanted to see that thang so I snapped a pic a that body branch for her.
To hold your head high with a tall hat no fold
Tall hat no fold , big body be bold
A person who is simply just bitch made or a pussy
When John threaten to fight Chris, he turned out to be frail body and didn’t show up.