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shit a brick

Similarly to shitting stones, shitting bricks, shitting rocks, shitting a brick is when you are terrified, it can be a joking tone or a serious tone although it's mainly a joking tone.

On another serious note I actually shit what seemed to be a brick just a few minutes ago, it was shaped as a block and it inspired me to write this.

My guy, I just shit a brick after taking that incredibly hard test
I just shit a brick and afterwards I felt so good I almost became high
I just shit a brick and it looked like a Poneglyph from one piece

by Greatneil80 November 29, 2022


Someone who is not easily hurt or offended

opposite To snowflake

Say what you like to that person he’s a brick wall

by FP.27 May 28, 2022

Brick wall

At least 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard!

"You are as dumb as a brick wall!"
"Oh yeah? Well you are only 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard!"
"-And as you know a brick wall is at least 5% smarter than corrugated cardboard, so therefore i am smarter than you! Ha!"

by Someone else than Kling May 31, 2022

Brick wall

When you’re so bad at chatting to females you don’t even bother approaching them because failure is inevitable

Tstrode brick walled it with cal the dragon

by Robert Ferry April 24, 2022

Brick wall

A brick wall is sex

Sex is a brick wall

by Dominicanodealla May 11, 2022

brick pigeon

When you tie a message to a brick and throw it through a window of a house

The bitch would not return my calls, so sent her a message using a brick pigeon.

by DittoKeg February 26, 2018


Lego youtuber who always make LEGO videos the video has sponsors which is crappy and boring.
He is 20 years old man.

TD Bricks

by JustaTOTMUser October 8, 2023