the coolest, most amazing person in the whole milky way🤗
“Emma Victoria Burke is so much cooler than everyone else😇”
Emma is typically bossy but sweet she will pick her friends out of prettiness and sweetness. When Emma is mad you should probably stay out of her way
Omg is that Emma!
A hoe who love anal sex and will like any cock till it creams she loves vagrants too
Emma suck me shitty ass last night
The most gorgeous girl ever, she's a really nice british girl. She's just so funny and understands everything I say, it's really entertaining to talk with her because we understand each other. She loves Draco and she's Heather.
Emma is the most beuatiful girl in the whole world.
A fucking whore who likes to play sudoku with older men she usually is lesbian, owns an xbox and could steal a friend's gamer girlfriend keep your gamer girls away from this bitch. She is usually bisexual and might like the Aiden's in the clique
Emma is someone that can cook very good. She finishes first with cooking competitions. If you have the chance to eat at her home you go for it. She is very sweet too and fun to talk to.
Emma cooked a good meal, everyone calls that "Emmalicious" .