People who have likable mentally and or can be comforting to be around, but not necessarily think or act the same or in similar ways.
Being with like minded people did not really work for her. Too much inbreeding of ideas and thoughts and some problems related to the fact that some had the same chronic mental issues, and bad habits. S
he was much happier with likable minded people, especially since they were more fun loving and kind and adventuresome, and so expanded her universe.
Mind-away (adj) Your own secret place you go in your mind where you’re safe, blissful and free from every fear. An untouchable wonderland that is all yours, (other meanings) An escape from the real world. Alone time. Happy place.
That Guys a mind-away, The Whole house is full of mind aways, Sue is in a mind-away again.
when one masturbates without actually touching him/her self
look up andy hoad on facebook he likes to volcan mind wank
The gnostic mind virus is belief in the general idea that man is god.
Common symptoms include: talking about "consciousness" a lot, a belief in "manifestation", belief that thoughts make reality, that we are all one, use of the term "the matrix"
It can be contracted through the use of psychedelic drugs, meditation, going down conspiracy rabbit holes
Refer to Romans 1:22-25
Lad 1: Me mate started meditating and now he keeps talking about "consciousness"
Lad 2: uh oh looks like he got the gnostic mind virus
being gay, fruity, a lesbian, a gay man
“That man is being mindful!”
“Yes, that man loves men.”
Cranial tranquility dat comes from either "having a girl in every port" or knowing dat you possess "holstered insurance".
Madea claimed dat --- by her being able to "get her Glock" at any time dat she felt da need for it --- she gained piece of mind regarding "da getters gettin' her"; judging by her perpetually-tense-'n'-temperish emotional state, however, I seriously wonder if said easy access to powerful weaponry actually had much if any calming effect on her.
what we should start calling boobies
"bro i swear you have the most scrumptious hommy mommy massive gigantic mind blowing gravity pulling milkies"
"no u"
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