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To destroy democratic norms, and the power of the voters to determine their destiny. This is done by limiting the rights of the public to vote, limiting certain types of people from voting such as minorities, or parts of the US such as Puerto Rico or Washington DC, limiting access to polling, gerrymandering districts, giving certain voters more value than others, removing people from the voter rolls, not registering people who registered, limiting times when people can vote, limiting polling places, greatly expanding the time it takes for people to vote especially on election day, having faulty voting machines, poll taxes, literacy tests, faulty ballots and voting machines, tossing ballots, etc. In some cases like Washington DC and Puerto Rico, they have no representatives in Congress.
In some cases, de-democratization can occur after a free and fair election when the politician does not carry out their oath of office and gives greater weight to certain special interests. In some cases, a politician may have extreme biases and fail to allow a fair competition of ideas during public participation and legislative debate. In some cases, this is because the politician took bribes, was given special favors, made significant campaign contributions, or because of inappropriate political pressure from the party.

In the US, to dedemocratize ore democracy is as old as our constitution. From the start woman, most blacks, and even non-land owners were not allowed to vote . Senators were originally appointed by politicians, and the president has never been chosen directly by the people.

by mlhiss November 26, 2019

pull over pot

Pot not suited for driving. One pulls over and stops, and does not drive or smoke it in a car in motion.

Remember, this is pull over pot. Don't think about being in a moving vehicle after smoking this.

by mlhiss April 15, 2020

Obama Doctrine

Don't Do Stupid Shit (DDSS)

On Air Force One on an Asian trip, Obama presented the basic guiding principle of the Obama Doctrine: "Don't Do Stupid Shit". However, he failed to give a coherent vision of the Great Stuff, or even the principles guiding such great decisions for a vision.

by mlhiss August 14, 2014

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Obama Doctrine

Listen to other leaders and be respectful of other cultures and nations.
Improve trade and other positive inter-relationships with other Countries.
Build broad coalitions when possible, and try to work within the framework of the UN, but sometimes unilaterally or with small coalitions, especially when dealing with terrorists threats.
Increase intelligence and spying, to threshold where it may infringe on civil rights and civil liberties.
Maintain secrecy, and go after whistle blowers and leakers, and occasionally the press.
Avoid getting into traditional wars, and get out of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, by training their armies and then moving out of the Countries as much as possible.
Support uprisings like Arab Spring, through coalition building, and supporting legit rebel forces when possible, and providing humanitarian aid, without getting entangled in a civil war.
Minimize weapons of mass destruction by eliminating chemical weapons and nuclear proliferation
Go directly after terrorists Drones, and Special Forces.
Destroy al Qaeda by killing or capturing their top leadership like Osama Bin Laden, major bounties for their kill or capture.
Maintain a bias toward Israel.
Recognize the theory of right to self determination!

Interviewer: What is the Obama Doctrine, Sarah.
Sarah Palin: I'm not the one to ask, I did not do well in foreign policy, and I watch Fox News.

by mlhiss October 8, 2013

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Intense irrational fear of small holes and clusters of circles and bumps. It can be triggered by consumer products such as the iPhone Max and Pro Max. The phobia can be activated in the brain when a visual stimulus has the same characteristics as a dangerous organism.

Typically computer companies like Apple and Google come up with ways in which to make their products highly addictive so their customers are highly dependent on them. Finally, they have come up with a way to become phobic regarding their devices. People with the trypophobia trait should have a selective advantage in finding a breeding partner.

by mlhiss September 11, 2019

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sucking out "evil spirits" defense

A defense this is used by pastors who use oral sex during exorcisms to extract “evil spirits” and “demons” from troubled church members. It is used mostly on men by male pastors but technically could be used by any exorcist on any gender. Because it is a religious practice for which no detailed account in the bible on record, it is very hard to explain in religious terms how the process works by a pastor. However, one should not be confused such gallant efforts with sexual assault, aggravated assault, sexual battery, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress, misrepresentation and gross negligence. The method is clearly not a guarantee as some "evil spirit" and or "demons" may be pretty dam pissed off about someone trying to dislodge them and try to retaliate by taking advantage of the fact that the process is so hard to explain.

The Judge and hopefully the jury just sat there in disbelief as the defense presented the - sucking out "evil spirits" defense.

by mlhiss July 26, 2019

kicking up

Mafia term for "paying tribute" to the Mafia Don or Chosen One. These are mandatory voluntary payments to assure the underling or minion knows their duty is to tithe and pay homage in the form of riches to the Chosen One. A model easily adapted to business and politics. Kicking up is much more lucrative than a kickback since it clearly instructs not only one's minions but everyone what the rules for doing business are.

Pence and Barr realized even the role of enforcers were not enough, to curry favor with their political boss since this would add little to his wealth. They would have to start kicking up to advertise the fact that they also had to humiliate themselves by going out of their way to frequent his businesses.

by mlhiss September 4, 2019

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