The Black P. Stones are affiliated with the Bloods alliance and especially with the Piru coalition. and was created in the 1960's The gang is a rival of the Crips.The Black P. Stones have also been involved in a long-running conflict with the 18th Street gang, a Latino gang which is based in a territory north of Baldwin Village.
black p stone bloods are part of a nation spreading to chicago
When one partakes in the smoking of cannabis and becomes stoned or monged to the extent of not being able to move. Once this state is achieved, the smoking session is concluded and usually followed by sleeping (also known as 'kipping'), hence, 'kippered.'
'Dude! I've had 10 bongs and 4 spliffs... I think i'm stone kippered! I'm going for a bit of a kip.'
Contact Stoned is when you get stoned by being in the same room or space that other people are getting are smoking pot/weed in.
You get stoned by being on close contact to the other person who is in the process of getting stoned/high.
I just got a little 'contact stoned' because my boyfriend smoked pot while we were in bed together.
Ben Stone is the sweetest man alive. He’s always honest and will die trying to make someone love themselves. He’s a huge nerd that loves Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda. He’ll never know just how much he means to the world.
“I think I’m in love with Ben Stone.”
"Someone will be coming tomorrow at noon to steal the stone in your shower. I will be here." - Roommate
I'm stoned cause I'm rock hard is used when somebody mentions that you are "stoned" so you respond by saying you have a raging boner.
Random bot "Bro's stoned "
Guy "I'm stoned cause I'm rock hard"
An amazing friend and person who you can count on to be supportive and listen to you when you need him to. He is funny and kind and awesome and is NOT my sibling. He is funny and can bounce back from a bad mood.
"Thomas Haddon Stone is such a sigma male bro"
"i know right maybe I should steal Tom's skin and become Tom"