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creative player

When a person brings something up that doesn’t make any sense during a conversation

Ay did yhu see da new scream move no. A random person yhu finna go to hell an eat burnt chicken. Dats makes yhu an creative player

by …boom March 16, 2023

Best PPT2 Player

A title held by someone who is the absolute best Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Player.

Person 1: I'm really good at Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Person 2: Yes, but are you Zane420v Best PPT2 Player good?
Person 1:

by Ruhrame February 20, 2022

Reign Player

Hopefully you will never meet a player of the "reign" clan in the Game "Forward Assault" cuz they tend to be very stinky and toxic. One Player called "Harmony" known as "Orphelia" is the stinkiest among them. Lack of shower for years is what makes the reign clan special

.ud Reign Player

by Prqne May 12, 2023

Rage Soccer Player

A rage soccer player is a girl/boy who is a slut or a fuckboy who think they are better then everyone else.

Stay away from the rage soccer players they will screw you over!

by Goalzzzzz123 March 23, 2017

The Adventures of Player One

1. The journey of a boy who's video game counsle comes to life and teaches him the error in video games such as "RockBand" and "Guitar Hero" eventually teaching him to play his music in the real world!

2. A rock band from the Chicagoland area. Formed by Michael Iseah-Grei Crawford formerly of the Vintage. Player One consists of Bruno Carvallo, Scott Tulo and Michael Crawford.

1.See Also Player One

2. The Adventures of Player One rock my socks!

3. The Adventures of Player One played a really great set last night!

by Bill McKrivetz February 17, 2009

player of the game

(n) someone part of a group, or action; see member, said like player of the game called (insert noun here)

Mark: That bitch Micheal gets to shoot me cause I'm a fucking criminal.
Marvin: He's a player of the game called police, boy. He's a player of the game.

by ZeOtaku December 19, 2014

player unknown's battlegrounds

The game where a pan is the best melee weapon that you can obtain

A:hey dude, did you play PUBG last night? I got 2nd place!

B:i played it but in the first 10 minutes i got sniped from someone 2 miles away, also, its actually called player unknown's battlegrounds

by SUCC [D.A.N.K] November 5, 2017