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To give someone an L means they are callingg you a loser of that you lost something


by Mz.divah409 June 30, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Simply put, this word is an abbreviation for the word "Levani". This sentence is used in abrupt situations without context. (It is supposed to be funny)

-Matem puri shechama
-L aris eg

by DramashviliDefinitions April 7, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


this could also mean vagina, pussy, etc., instead of the usual emoted heart... but that would be a very dirty thing to think, lol.

guy 1: i just scored (l) last night

guy 2: no way

by Anonymous lvjhsbldfj June 18, 2010

55๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Penis and Testicles. In comparison to olo, the penis is disproportionally larger, as if the nuts are the size of raisins or that dick is 25 inches long.

Boy: Dang girl, dont u wanna see my .l.?

Girl: I thought you had balls the size of grapefruits!!! NO FUCKING WAY!

Boy: My dick is 36" long.


by .l. master March 30, 2006

61๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be left out; When walking in a line the majority issolate the others by making them walk behind, therefore making the shape of an "L".

Person 1: Hey You!
Person 2: Heeey! Whats going on?
Person 3: .......
Person 1&2: (Walk Faster.....)
Person 3: (Drifts Back)
Person 1&2: (Continues talking)
Person 3: Guys your making me the "L"!!!!!

by Saaaaaam S. February 13, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by Internet fags because they are to lazy just to type out a full word: usually meaning loser.

Guy 1: Hey.
Guy 2: L
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: Your a loser m8

by FaZe_Me April 29, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The L

The elevated majority of the Chicago public train system, shortening of "elevated"

Not to be confused with NYC's el, which is similar but takes up a much smaller portion of their train system

Tourist: hey, where is the subway around here?
Chicago local: oh, we don't have a subway, you can take The L though
Tourist: excuse me?

by DonutEater1313 February 3, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž