A nice little 3 digit number with 3 digits repeated in a row that totally doesn't have any correlation to anything remotely bad at all.
Fun Fact: 666 in Base-26 is PG (a movie rating), and in Base-36, it's II (the roman numeral of 2)
"666 is a number. Literally a number."
666 is the Devil's number. It is stuck between Myth and Legend because half and half of the people in the world are choosing the opposite. One thing that I can tell you is NEVER CALL 666!!! (CURIOSITY KILLS)
Me: Maybe I should call 666 because this definition says don't. I am just curious.
*telephone rings, other side of the line picks up*
Me: Hello?
*raspy breathing from other side of line*
Me: H-hello???
*screams from other side of line*
3:00 am
*you wake up*
Me: I heard a crashing noise?
*looks at door and door opens, creaking*
*a black creature flings itself onto you and eats you up*
Never call 666 kids!
Six, six, six. The (supposed) formula for the perfect guy:
- six feet in height
- six inches in length (girth omitted)
- six figures salary
- That 304 really thinks she can bag a 666?
- She's average at best, she'd be lucky to land a movie phone number. (555)
666 is the number one says/ states when they love Jesus and God of the Christian church!
It can also be used to say I love you to someone.
P1) I wanna kill you, you satanist
P2) but 666
P1) ok I love you 😍
666 is The devils number
Kid 1: I’m calling 666-666-6666
Kid 2:NO!!
Kid 1:why?
Kid 2:…just don’t
Kid 1:*calls*
Satan: come here boii!
Kid 1: ahhhhh
Satan: *takes kid one to hell*
Kid 2: and that’s why you don’t call 666-666-6666 kids you will get eaten by satan