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Icey Bidet

Taking a Dump in a cold body of water, whilst fully submerged.

"Hey man, I had the most therapeutic Icey Bidet whilst out at Abraham Lake." - Josh R.

by Dat_kiwi September 21, 2019

Train Bidet

A term used to describe washing your genitals on a train using a bottle of coke and mentos after receiving fellatio from an unsavoury character such as a cheap hooker or toothless vagrant (the two are not mutually exclusive).

To use a train bidet one stands oneself above a bottle of coke so that the spout it pointing towards the groin. After removing ones pants, one then drops a mentos into the bottle allowing the foamy goodness to cleanse ones genitals.

"Hey Bernie, why are you late for work?"
"Well Bob, I was on the way to work when I took the opportunity presented its self to have Shazza give me a blow job"
"Shazza, the toothless prozzie? Tell me more, Bernie."
"You see Bob, after such an incident I felt I needed to wash off but as the lavatories were out of order I decided a train bidet was the best option. My genitals are truly minty fresh now after my train bidet but the time spent administering it has made me tardy for work."

by Shane Brennan October 15, 2022


Receiving oral sex while getting your buttocks cleaned by a bidet.

The bidet cleaned my cheeks while my girlfriend cleaned my cock via bidet-J.

by Shrilnixx January 10, 2018

Texas bidet

When a man has a never ending wipe and uses his penis as a bidet by stretching his cock around his balls, eye to eye with his brown eye, and pees on or in his own butt hole to clean it off.

More hygienic than the Mississippi wet wipe.

I couldn’t get all the poop off so I had to use the Texas bidet

by Thetexasbidetcreator April 4, 2021

Brazilian Bidet

Washing your prolapsed anus in a toilet bowl. The suction and draining of bowl acts as a sort of rinse cycle for your happy little hornets nest.

"I usually tend to wring my prolapse like a towel after a Brazilian Bidet. It helps me stuff everything back up in there." -My friend Adam

by He_does_pro-laps April 25, 2023

Aggressive Bidet

When someone eats the others butthole out with vigor.

Oh my god, Jessica gave me an Aggressive Bidet last night, I came very hard!

by Filthy Hoe December 21, 2021

Arizona Bidet

The action of peeing into your own butt crack to remove any fecal matter after taking a bowel movement.

Because Coors Light is cheaper than toilet paper, I've been using the Arizona Bidet technique to clean-out my ass.

by Marilyn Manchin April 6, 2020