What a vsco girl says when she drops her hydroflask
VSCO girl: ~ drops hydroflask ~
VSCO girl: anni oOp-
And I oop- is usually a phrase used when you hear some juicy gossip or when something shocks you.
Friend- “Sarah kisses Jake last night”
You- “and I oop-“
18👍 6👎
some weird shit made by some vsco shit girls with there hydroflasks and scronches
vsco girl hits hydroflask on desk says "anna oop sksksksk".
12👍 4👎
A sarcastic expression used to describe a mock reaction.
I threw my shoe and it hit my sister in the head! *oops face!*
He took my parking spot, so I 'accidentally' hit his car when I opened my door. *oops face!*
It's actually just oop, but we don't talk about that
Guy 1: and i oop
guy 2: i agree