People from others towns think the town is all white and good which is not . It has drugs , crimes , and gangs. Baldwin has two side North and the Harbor. The habor is considered where it’s bougie and white people are there but north is next to Hempstead and Uniondale so it’s consider more “hood” . The Highschool is full of hoes , treeshes, and fake people . Baldwin is mostly Black there still a few whites but not that much . Baldwin is another town that is consider the hood in Long Island.
A disgusting town in western Michigan consisting of potheads and wannabe gangbangers, stay as far away as you can.
"Dude that guy is from Baldwin, gross."
baldwinned, baldwinning, baldwins
transitive verb
1 a : to recklessly kill (a human being)
b : to deprive of life : cause the death of
// He threatened to baldwin them.
2 : to slaughter : slay
3 : to put an end to
// baldwin the competition
intransitive verb
1 : to cause the death of a person
// a reckless fool who may baldwin again
// if looks could baldwin
2 : to make a markedly unfavorable impression
// was dressed to baldwin
Hey, did you hear Alec was messing about with his father's gun and baldwinned his kid sister?
Man, I always knew that fool was gonna baldwin someone.
Will was driving home drunk last night and baldwinned some kid on her bike.
Pointing a weapon at someone believing it is not loaded.
Don't baldwin that gun at me, not even as a joke.
Verb. To fail to check if a firearm is loaded. Point said firearm at your co-worker, pull the trigger, and be surprised when it goes off, and your co-worker dies.
My homie Alec is going to jail. He did a Baldwin on his secretary.
To kill or murder something. To exclaim or state something is very effective or efficient.
1. Wow his Audi is so Baldwin! 2. Wow this matchup tonight is going to be so Baldwin! 3. This new iPhone is going to be so Baldwin! 4. My girl cheated on me. I should totally Baldwin her and her lover!
The act of when a girl asks if you want to use a condom and you tell her you're shooting blanks, when you are indeed fertile.
"Yeah, I told her I was shooting blanks!"
"She believed that?"
"Yeah man! I hit her with The Alec Baldwin!"