Source Code

Camel Tobasco

First, place a rubber on your dick and unroll it all the way down to the base of the shaft. Next, carefully brush HOT SAUCE over the rubber. Finish it off by unrolling yet another rubber over the first. If a rubber breaks at any time during the porking, this process will serve as your "Early Warning System." If either partner detects a "burning like a motherfucker" sensation, you will know that it's time to pull your dick out and contact the condom manufacturer for a replacement.

If that girl is a cum-dumpster, you had better use the camel tobasco. It worked for me, although the experience changed the way i feel about its name... i now call it slot sauce!!!

by wild-card March 25, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

camel toe

When her pants are so tight you can read her lips!

The camel toe on her bikini bottom says, "Fuck me NOW!"

by Toad April 6, 2003

19444๐Ÿ‘ 5475๐Ÿ‘Ž

camel jacker

1.a person who wanks or jacks off camels, usually a racial slur towards middle eastern or Arabic decent.
2. a person who hijacks camels of middle eastern decent

cameljacker camel jacker

by superdddsuperddd June 13, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

camel squirts

A gastrointestinal disorder you get after consuming camel meat for the first time.

I had some beef kabobs for dinner. They gave me the camel squirts so they must not have been beef.

by VikingBerserker July 28, 2013

Camel Heel

A case of Camel Toe so hideously prominent that it can be seen from the rear. When sighted, it can cause nausea and loss of appetite.

Nick: Did you see Camille's camel toe today? Gross.

Lucas: Dude, I was standing behind her earlier. She's got Camel heel too!

by c0de_RED April 27, 2011

camel hoe

Any chick who knows she's sporting a camel toe but goes out anyway hoping that it will attract some action any way.

This camel hoe showed up to the party with nothing left to the imagination.

by raujero December 8, 2016

Camel Mumps

A sickness from intimate contact with someone from the Arabian Peninsula.

"Nicholas kissed his girlfriend and now hes in the hospital with a bad case of the camel mumps..."

by DylMus January 28, 2020