The place where you go to fuck.
I went to my girls house, but little did I know it was a pussy haven.
From beginning to end. Refers to the opening/closing acts at Woodstock.
That trip was an unmitigated disaster, from Havens to Hendrix.
A camp in Ontario that teaches families about Christianity. They have morning and evening services. Let's be real here though, the only evening service that is attended is the Merry Heart Show. A very calm and relaxing place.
Your friend: What are your calm places?
Me: My bedroom and my bathroom are my Fair Havens.
North Haven is a small town in the heart of Southern Connecticut. The town is mostly made up of Italians who tend to consume a diet of Longhini sausages. The men of the town love wearing white tank tops, which are commonly referred to as "wife beaters" and the woman wear lots of fake designer such as Foui Vuiton and Fucci. Popular names in the town are Anthony/Tony, Giovanni, Nick/Nico and Matt. Girl names popular in the town are Gina, Gianna, Nicolina, Juliana, Sophia and Alana. Dads in the town are typically plumbers, staunch catholics, and follow rec basketball standings religiously. Many people own pick up trucks and are members of the NRA.
Oh, you are from North Haven?
I wonder if you live in a McMansion with a decrepit boat in your backyard.
A small town in PA where there are too many playgrounds and stores, nice old people, a decent school, weather is different every day, and people DON'T travel there. The guy who made the "Trace Mcsorley" song also made a song about the high school football team in this town.
I have never thought about traveling to Schuylkill Haven.
south haven is inbetween portage and valparaiso indiana. it has its own zip code, the mailing address of valparaiso, and the phone number of wheeler. its the hood. there is also "new" south haven and "old" south haven.
i live in south haven, the have.
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A land made of marsh mellows and milkduds. The weather is always sunny unless its raining or cloudy. Rape happens here often but thats ok bc most of the animals enjoy it. The town is ran by two zebras in rain coats but they hate each other so there always fighting over their bank accounts.
East Haven Town Hall
Zebra 1: hey rocky, hows your bank account
zebra 2: Ayy ohh ayy, why do u care?
Zebra 1: im just asking, why do you have to be a wise guy ahhh.
Zebra 2: Ayyyy!!
Zebra 1: Ayyyy!!
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