Hey ray<3 I love you
Yes it’s true I love you I really really do
(Your probably here because your a hopeless romantic)
The three hardest words to say in the English Language. But that was a long time ago. Now, people be saying that all the time to just about anybody.
"I Love You" An affirmation of affection or deep caring.
Boy: I love you...
Girl: No.
A girl who i refer to as dusty bun, swiper, an person that i love
Person: Why do you call her “person that i love
Me: its an inside joke
Charlotte is the love of my life and that title will last forever. She deserves to be known as the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world.
I love Charlotte
Meaning yaz is in shosho’s heart
I love yaz but shosho is jelly
Just look up "I love dick" because i dont feel like writing something, and its the same damn thing
I love penis when its next to me
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