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The homeland of the Jewish people with Jerusalem as their capital. The Jewish people settled in what was known as Canaan over 3000 years ago. After being forced out by foreign armies, Jews were forced to live a nomadic life praying three times a day to be able to settle back in Jerusalem. After 2000 years of wandering and persecution they finally made it back to their homeland. Today it is the only country in the Middle East where Jews, Muslims and Christianโ€™s are free to practice their religion without fear of being persecuted. It is also the only country to give full rights to women.

Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people.

by Never forget is now June 3, 2024

700๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best example of decolonialism in the world when a people in diaspora for thousands of years return home, fix the land, and protect it from POS terrorists while simultaneously having the most ethical military and defending against antisemitism around the globe.

Israel is the best place in the world!

by Helsheurmdlwheheklwhx January 1, 2024

67๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


uhm. huh? ion think dat exists lol

a moment of silence for israel.

by MR, SMD junior November 25, 2023

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fucking dumbass stolen country that deserves to rot, anyways FREE PALESTINE!

Ummm whatโ€™s Israel??

by HEZBOALLAH April 2, 2024

241๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž


Israel, the nation of the indigenous Hebrews aka Jews aka Israelis aka Zionists. Israel is also called Zion. Zion appears in the Old Testament 152 times as a title of Jerusalem; over half of these occurrences appear in two books, the Book of Isaiah (46 times) and that of Psalms (38 times). It appears seven times in the New Testament and five times in quotations from the Old Testament. Israel existed thousands of years before Romans invaded and colonized the indigenous Hebrews and renamed the area Syria-Palestina. Jesus, a Jew was born in Judea before the area was renamed by the Romans. Jews have maintained a presence in Israel for thousands or years.

Approximately 1400 years ago, in the 7'th century, the invading Muslim Arabs from Arabia, their indigenous home, began persecuting and murdering Jews and Christians to try to colonize Palestine. Nonetheless, Jews have lived on the land of Israel without interruption for thousands of years.

The name of Israel was restored to the indigenous Jewish homeland by decree of the United Nations on May 15, 1948 when Israel was declared he only Jewish nation on planet Earth. At that time, the West Bank was administered by Jordan through 1967 and Egypt administered the Gaza Strip.

Israel yearns for peace with its Muslim, Arab neighbors.

Israel is the national Jewish homeland.
The citizens of Israel have made many advances in agriculture and technology
The citizens of Israel yearn for peace and neighbors that do not seek to destroy her

by genius-minded January 5, 2024

88๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best at everything he does the biggest egoistic person in the galaxy


by November 20, 2023


He is such an incredible and loving guy. Although he does struggle with being nice and is not much of a social person, with specific few he is incredible. Living, caring, and and overall best boyfriend you could ever have. He does not like to talk about his feelings, worrying people, and has trust issues due to his past but He will never leave your side and will always be there for you no matter what. He will encourage you and forever care for you. Donโ€™t loose someone like him and keep Izzy with you always

Guy: Hey, have you seen Israel
Girl: oh yeah heโ€™s chillin with his Gf
Guy: Dang, heโ€™s really dedicated to her, thatโ€™s so sweet.

by GCGG December 24, 2024

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž