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the smallest testicle size possible!
Upon graduation due to interaction with the opposite sex, one can increase this size to: golf ball size, and grapefruits. Watermelon size it out of the question, as this is what the average male is trying to conquer.

your testicles are the size of peanuts. When was the last time you approached or even talked to a hottie?

by Smaller than peanuts! September 10, 2003

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peanut coke

Peanut coke is a form of cocaine that has been flavored to taste like peanuts. Peanut coke is one of several flavor varities of lavada cocaine, cocaine that is more expensive and purer than regular street cocaine and is also offered in flavors like strawberry, pineapple, etc.

elmer: bro pass the lavada perico

chelmito: this that fire peanut coke holmes I ain't sharing!

by peanut coke plug October 26, 2022

Peanut Phobia

The severe phobia of being absolutely utterly terrified of peanuts. Being so scared of peanuts that you cannot even be in the same room as them. Every time a peanut is in close proximity you utterly shit bricks and begin to scream แ—ทแ•ผแ‘Œแ—ดแ”•แ’Yแ—ดแ”•.

Person 1: why do you break out into puddles of sweat every time I have a peanut butter sandwich ?
Person 2: I have severe Peanut Phobia, it is not something to joke about.

by peepeepoopooman:) July 7, 2020

peanut pumper

a slang term for a person that fucks in the ass. Usually used as a term for a homosexual.

Did you hear about that gay orgy last night? What a bunch of Peanut Pumpers.

by Sheep Farmer October 17, 2007

Peanut packing

The act of pulling out ones' balls without anyone noticing to surprise friends or guests.

Mike got drunk and started peanut packing the dinner table. His balls were hairy and it was not well recieved

by Clarkson Sloots November 17, 2018

peanut sans

A sans that a sans fangirl drew, it is really popular and he's god.

Sans fangirl: SANS IS MINE!!!!!!
Peanut sans: yEah I'm hers so back off

by Deadn't October 29, 2020

peanut smuggler

Aroused and pokey nipples showing through tight clothing.

"Oooh look here comes Little Miss Perky the peanut smuggler".

by littlemissperky May 14, 2008

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