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A stuck-up cunt, the scum of the earth, known to populate most of Montreal. Always owns an iPod, loves crap like Frank Sinatra, and is as pretentious as possible. Likes to wear starched shirts, often pink, and pop their collar because they think they understand the music everyone else listens to. They always follow the latest trends without any sense of originality and smell like expensive cologne. Known to exercise the cock-block even though they usually have miniscule, tiny penises.

Usually a rich snob bastard who thinks their breeding or social class makes them cooler than other people. Actually they're going to be the first to die when the revolution occurs and I will personally eat many of their hearts.

These fuckers are worse than cockroaches and will end up being behind the utter destruction of the planet via commercialization and globalization. They are actually the Fourth Reich and definitely vote Conservative or Republican. If you see one, shoot first and ask questions later.

That preppie motherfucker's collar has so much starch in it that Atkins has issued a warning against it.

by no_os May 22, 2006

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a REALLY REALLY REALLY annoying stuck up person who does not like anyone but their own species and is usually a cheerleader, rich, and blonde. And they love Ambecrombie and Finch and loves pink. They think that guys who wear rugby shirts and have blue eyes and are popular are "boyfriend material". They are skanky slutty bitches who think the world of themselves and cry when people talk about them, yet they always talk about other people. They are always obsessive with their appearance and try to impress boys by wearing skanky clothing. They make fun of the outcasts because they are quiet and don't worship the ground they walk on. But the truth is they probably have more of a life then the prep. Preppy boys are ALSO REALLY ANNOYING and think that they are so hot and they could get any girl they want. They think that people who act different are FREAKS and they refuse to talk to them or even look at them because they are afraid it would ruin their perfect complexion. They are usually jocks who always brag about how great they are at their sport. They TRY to be rebellious, especially with school. Both boys and girls preps listen to pop or rap and some try to be ghetto, but what they dont know is that they look retarted trying to be.Most preppy girls are obsessive with being petite and are always complaining about calories and their weight. Preppy guys are always bragging about their muscles and how many bases they got with a girl. Preppy girls always snicker and laugh when someone trips and falls and never helps them get up. They whisper to their friends and point like its SUCH a HUGE THING. PREPS SUCK!

Preppy Girls: Wannabe barbie doll
Preppy Guys: Wannabe ken doll

by someone SPECIAL...ED October 19, 2003

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These are mostly stereotypes. I live in Greenwich and I THE preppiest person I know. I never wear mini's, I never wear abercrombie, I never show alot of skin, I never wear tight pants / jeans.

Preps are smart too. All preps, including me, almost always go off the charts on the Standerdized Test Scores.

We aren't stuck up, we're poliet ALWAYS, and everybody likes us becuase we are nice. We don't brag, and you people who make up these defonitions are jealous of preps!

Preppy kids are nice, and people like them for the classy, classic style.

by x me x December 2, 2006

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Straight hair, wear argyle, plaid, polo tees (collar up), lacoste, tiffanys jewelry, jcrew sweaters, own at least one designer item, dolce and gabbana sunglasses, burberry bag, prada, etc.

i don't know a state of dress?

by sandy April 4, 2004

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A word used by "wannabees", if you will, to describe the New England-Old Money crowd. Typically used by wanabee middle school girls who attempt to dress in a way like the aforementioned, and really want to go to a private boarding school but cannot afford it. This style is also popular with the nouveau riche. Because of these kinds of people attempting to live this lifestyle, it has given the clothing generally worn by this crowd a bad name, and the people who originally wore it alas, can do so no longer.

Girl in brain: I want to be preppy and go to a "preppy" school but I cant afford it so I guess I will just have to dress like I do.

by MontgomeryWellingtonsworthIV June 6, 2010

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Smart, very pretty girls or rugged, well-built guys who wear couture (Anne Klein, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Vera Wang, Stella McCathney), drive cool cars, Porshe and Ferrari, go to boarding school (anywhere, east coast or west - like in Atherton, CA or Dover, MA) and get everything that they want. the guys play sports like soccer, lacrosse etc. and they travel a lot and like exotic stuff. (Some of them do alot to help the poor.)

Some are snobs and some are not.

Paris Hilton is a snobbish (trashy) Preppy, Kate Hudson is not.

by socal_surfer February 24, 2005

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all of the people on here who are saying that preppy is a lifestyle are obviously preppy people who are tired of being made fun of. Preppy means that you wear expensive name brands and like really girly stuff like make-up boots tote bags coffee cheerleading and being a stuck up bitch for no appearant reason. And yes preppy people are rich (welll-off means the same fucking thing)

if you shop at abercrombie and you are a guy your preppy

by Dan Vino November 30, 2008

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