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"firehose" remark-reaction

Refers to the involuntary "geyser" of liquid/slurry that one produces when something funny/shocking is spoken in his presence while he's eating/drinking something, said utterance causes an "automatic" or "uncontrollable-on-short-notice" lung- expulsion from a laugh or cough, which in turn causes a forceful ejection of the mouth's contents which shoots out for several feet and disgustingly messes up anything (or anyONE) in its path.

A classic example of a "firehose" remark-reaction is when Jimmy Culp does an astonished "sploooot!" when he hears his name mentioned by Robert Stack on the Tonight Show immediately after taking a deep swig of beer.

by QuacksO February 21, 2019

chemical reaction

A shit rubbing against something else cussing it to explode into many pieces causing a CHEMICAL REACTION!

person 2: “so ur shit rubbed against ur hands? u nasty bozo 🥶”

by bloblover.28839293938827392882 May 1, 2021

eucalyptus allergic reactions

Eucalyptus allergic reactions are only linked to wimps. Normal people don't mind eucalyptus. It's just wimps

She has eucalyptus allergic reactions, therefore, she must be a wimp.

by Seany-boy March 22, 2018

Reaction Junkie

Term used to describe an e-dater that will say, any and everything for emoji reactions on discord.

“Smurkio is being a brain dead reaction junkie.”

by Oldknot January 14, 2022

nipple reaction

After you bath, the nipples get and small. As some other things in life.

A: Damn boy, my dingdong got small after I went in cold water!
B: You got tha nipple reaction frfr

by Jonasty_the_filthy August 8, 2024

Delayed Reaction Syndrome

The act of either not having fast reactions in general, or delaying your reactions on purpose. May be shortened to DRS. Another word for this is "being a lazy piece of shit". DRS is normally present in people who couldn't give two shits about the world around them, even their friends.

1: Dude, why did you let the ball go into the goal?
2: What do you mean?
3: Dude, I think you have Delayed Reaction Syndrome
2: I'm not that lazy
1: Then why didn't you save it?
2: I don't know man
1: I think you're just a lazy piece of shit
3: For real

by spriggan. September 15, 2023

Live Starved Reaction

a user on public chatting service "Discord" who is assumed to be homosexual and has a liking to male human beings.

Live Starved Reaction is soooo gay lmaooooooooooo

by awasasawsfaw December 4, 2022