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Skunt Rock

A new genra of music from the northeast U.S.A. that is a combination of multiple genras .

Murf and the Maggots are to skunt rock ; as the sex pistols are to punk rock

by mikey murf October 18, 2007

Skunt Fuck

1) Someone who is a complete asshole that is also very annoying. Synonymous to a POS.
2) A poor boy who wears raggedy clothes.

Jake: You look terrible dude.
Zack: Shut up you skunt fuck I didn’t ask for your opinion.

by Blackhammer9089 November 1, 2017

Skunt bite

When your skanky-cunty ex girlfriend nibbles your ear during makeup sex.

What’s wrong with your ear”? “Oh it’s just a skunt bite

by Dick tundo June 22, 2024


The act of getting a skunk to spray/fart into a jar, then drinking from the jar

"you guys heard of skunting?"
"hey man, I was just gonna skunt later, wanna join?"
"Have you been skuntmaxxing recently?"

by MinuxZer0 February 28, 2024


Formed from the words sketchy and cunt. A skunt is a sketchy bitch. This type of person is usually a crackhead but in some instances this could just be a really riled up cunt.

God did you see that skunt twitching in the corner? Holy shit that skunt looks like she hasn't slept in days. Man, when I drink too much coffee it turns me into a skunt.

by AlphonsoPinaColada March 9, 2012


Cross between cunt, skank, and slut.

The other night at the party, Olivia was being such a Skunt.

by BewnkGang September 8, 2017


The Guyanese/Caribbean version of the word "cunt"
meaning a womans genitals(Vagina)

1. Get yuh mudda Skunt pon hay before i beat yuh skunt to death!
2. hmph, watch this skunt nuh

by yuh_mudda_issa_crass December 11, 2018