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Stinky Bishop

The legendary act of excreting feces and masterbating simultaneously. The act is of particular importance if the sexual climax is achieved at exactly the same time that the feces splashes the water in the toilet basin.

"urgh I just walked in on George's dad having a stinky bishop"

or "I'll come out in a bit I'm just having a stinky bishop"

by Mickey wankstain December 27, 2010

Stinky Blowfish

When one person farts into another persons mouth, filling their mouth with harmful gasses. Then with a mouth full of fart blowing it back at the person that passed the gas.

Jacob walked into work after a long night out, someone asked Jacob, “why the long face and pink eyes?”. Jacob responded, “I got hit with the stinky blowfish.”

by Carlofduty February 29, 2020

Stinky Knuckles

A game where the winner is established by how many fingers they can fit knuckle deep in another person's rear.

(In party setting)
Man 1: "Who's trying to catch a game of Stinky Knuckles"?
Man 2: "I'm down! I haven't lost a game yet"

by Bum Digger November 1, 2019

Stinky Toy

An unpleasant (and much handled by the owner) unwashed penis.

"I'm not coming out tonight Mum, I'm having an evening in playing with my stinky toy"

by fishbear April 4, 2003

Stinky Marinara

A Stinky Marinara is a sexual act in which you first engage in anal sex with a woman, and then transition directly to vaginal sex while she is on her period, preferably with heavy flow.

She was on the rag, so we started doing anal but decided just to go for the Stinky Marinara.

by RocketFury October 30, 2010

Classic stinky

When you ask for food but your grandpa farts in your mouth.

I asked for fries, but instead I got a classic stinky.

by Judaism john March 22, 2020

Stinky Jose

When one partner takes leftover Taco Bell (preferably a beefy crunch burrito) and inserts it into the anal cavity. Then inserting hot sauce as well as the aforementioned crunchy beef taco back into the same anal cavity. Finally shitting it into the partners mouth.

I just gave my friend a Stinky Jose.

by amdbnagde May 21, 2016