Success men are no good for you.
It really depends on who you're dealing with but 99.9% of times they break your heart.
They also tend to be broke at times, 1% of the success men population will give you the world.
"Kayla with ah success man ino"
Founded by Paul Grant on September 4, 2016. The society itself isn't a secret but the practices they preform are unknown to the public. Researches say the group morally are focused on currency and bidding worldwide.
The Order Of Success keep a low-profile.
Posting idiotic comments on social media that bring thousands of insulting replies.
Rob Reiner and Keith Olbermann are experts at "Success by Humiliation" on social media. They post idiotic comments that receive thousands of insulting replies.
Olbermann: I'm huge on X, I get thousands of replies to my posts.
Person: Yeah but they're all insults.
Olbermann: Huh?
This slang term coined in the 2020s has two different common uses.
It is mainly used in the context of an activity or goal that has not yet succeeded, but is fated to succeed and is currently in progress. A "success in progress".
Most often, the term is used in the romantic world when someone is fumbling major bitches but is in denial at how hard they're fumbling, saying the fumble is just a "success in progress". Usually not kissing someone you have pinned against the wall when they say you should have is a fumble, not a success in progress. But users of the phrase often use the term on these obvious fumbles, creating a sort of paradox between the actual meaning of the word and its most popular usage.
Trevor: "man you fumbled that hard."
Maximillion: "yeah dawg you fumbled hard, you had one job."
Gwendolyn: "No no, it' not a fumble! It's a success in progress I'll fix the fumble!"
It means playing a girl/boy in order to have sex.
It means having sex with an individual successfully;mostly used by Nigerians.
Bobby j had an ikodo-success with jane.
When one is able to “finish” without any interruption, in the middle of intense concentration/activity
If people would stop calling me I would maybe be able to have a successful uno with my friends
Losing a lot of games, losing a draft pick for failing to disclose a no trade list and losing a top prospect for half a season for sports betting. Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk coined the phrase in 2019 when he claimed his club was primed for a 5 year run of "unparalleled success". His bold statement ended up being quit prescient, as the Senators would indeed go on to lose many games, lose a draft pick for failing to disclose a no trade list and lost a top prospect to a sports betting suspension.
It was so embarrassing for Eugene when he had to change after having unparalleled success in his pants.