Source Code


A language.

"Sorry, Swiss isn't my first language."

by not_czhunc September 5, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swiss Lollipop

Whenever you put hardening shell chocolate on your penis, have sen with a girl, then make her eat the chocolate of your penis.

Did you give that chick a swiss lollipop?

fuck yeah i did!

by huadhfadf April 21, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swiss the situation

to smooth over, without admitting to any wrong doing. To slide by. To not face the situation.

Don't swiss the situation.
He's trying to swiss the situation.

by A day in the life... October 28, 2010

swiss blanket

When you injure your hands and cant masturbate. Get someone else to use your hands with the gauze or casts still in place to satisfy your desires.

Bro 1: Bro you wanna play some video games?
Bro 2: Cant bro, cut my hands cleaning!
Bro 1: Gunna have to get your sister to give you a Swiss Blanket?
Bro 2: Whats a Swiss Blanket?

by HeeveHo February 20, 2016

swiss pickle

A green turd that remains strategically, 50/50 neutral; it's not fully out, but it's not fully in either.

Guy 1: "hey hurry it along buddy, we all need to use the throne too!"
Guy 2: "I would but this Swiss Pickle is really unsure of its position on moving into the bowl or not"

by pallywauly_EF March 18, 2014

Swiss Tractor

A swiss footballer called Xhonkey who has been playing against Arsenal for the last 5 years stinking up the pitch at Emirates stadium. He is known for his backpassing and statpadding progressive passes by passing the ball to wingbacks. He is as slow as a tractor and has one good game in 20. He has costed Arsenal several matches with his errors and red cards.

The swiss tractor dropped an absolute stinker today and costed us the game.

by stevealex June 29, 2021

Swiss Taco

A Swiss Taco is what results when a Spanish girl gets multiple cream-pies and then someone eats her out.

"Selena wants us to give her a Swiss Taco"
"A Swiss Taco?"
"Yeah, that's when we all bust in her and then someone has to eat her out"
"Sounds risky but she's fine do I'm down"

by Behrbutt November 26, 2018