Source Code

Dr. Phil

a assmonkey

Dr. Phil is a stupid assmonkey

by blah January 5, 2004

760πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

Phil Hartman

A man whose death I've never quite gotten over...

Hey, the morning paper...holy shit, Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife in his sleep?! I'll fucking kill that bitch! Wait, she shot herself afterwords...

by Anonymous May 15, 2003

73πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Phil

The sexual act of cumming in someone's nose so that they are constantly snorting like popular internet personality and Twitch Streamer DarksydePhil

I gave Christian a Dirty Phil last night, right before stream. He kept snorting right in the mic.

by Califloydian December 31, 2018

55πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Dan and Phil

Dan and Phil are the extremely amazing YouTuber duo, Daniel Howell and Philip Lester. When you think of Dan, you think of Phil, and when you think of Phil, you think of Dan. There is no one without the other. They are the best YouTubers.

β€œHey, do you watch Dan and Phil?” Person 1 asked.
β€œFuck yea, I love them, they’re so cute and dating secretly!” Person 2 said.
β€œDon’t forget they’re amazing YouTubers.” Person 3 added.

by PansexualPhanatic January 23, 2019

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dr. phil

The bald madman on daily TV whose idea of therapy involves yelling at those who seek his guidance. Was at one time Oprah's bitch, but he now has his own show and thinks he's too good for her sexy ass.

Whenever people ask me for advice, I simply apply what I've learned from Dr. Phil: I yell at them and tell them how stupid and lazy they are and how all of their problems are their fault.

by Oprah March 11, 2003

943πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž

dr. phil

Guy who gets money for giving out COMMON SENSE to people.

Dr. Phil: We're going to put you in detox! And I just got payed for telling you something ANYONE could have done.

by Holly January 19, 2005

763πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

Farty Phil

A dirty old man on your course at college. He usually spends his time taking pictures of younger girls and farting when in the middle of lectures. He is usually referred to as "Pervert" or "Lollypop man". He loves the countryside and is still a virgin. People generally throw objects at him like Chips, Bottles and Oranges to name a few, and you usually get the reaction of " Do you think your clever, you Moron!"

To sum up Phil, he is a totally wierdo.

"Farty Phil will you stop taking pictures of me!"

Phil: "Do you think your clever, Moron?!"
Phil: " What yee looking at!?"

by Tristan Adamson February 1, 2009

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž