Source Code

vermont double decker supreme

two guys are giving one girl anal at the same time, then they both go to the girl's mouth. there they both take a shit and then get oral at the same time. when its all over, the girl's mouth withh be full of poop and jizz.

man once she was done getting the vermont double decker supreme, her ass was sore for a month. but it was worth it.

by jfkdlasbgjre June 28, 2008

6👍 16👎


To pull out in front of other automobiles, usually in a hurried and hasty manner, in order to drive as slowly as possible. This usually occurs during what native Vermonters call "leaf-peeping" season when tourists (called flat-landers by natives) pull into a thoroughfare as though they were still in New Jersey, only to drive as though a New Jersey patrol car were following them, with lights, and guns drawn.

A more factual investigation, however, shows that Vermonters themselves far more commonly "Vermont" other drivers -- hence, being "Vermonted" while driving your pregnant, and in labor, wife to a hospital. The "Vermonting" car is usually at least ten years old, out of inspection. and can easily be recognized by the half-dozen to dozen cars following it. The "Vermonting" care does not obey speed limits, choosing to drive at least 10 to 15 miles below the said speed limit.

Sorry, your grandmother died of old age in the backseat before we could get her home. We were Vermonted.

by upvtway February 25, 2014

vermont splooge shooter

The action of partaking in sexual intercourse amongst another person of the same gender(tip to tip/anal). After said men have sex they splooge into each others bums, and then lay on their back as the other little
slut jumps up and down on his hairy stomach. with that being said the force of the jump will shoot the load/load(s) out of the rim at light speeds leaving a large splooge stain on whatever may be in the line of fire. this may lead the what we would call a prolapse. that is when your asshole falls out of your ass essentially.

i can’t wait to give his son kleedon paleel a vermont splooge shooter next time i see him

by YeountYeount April 23, 2024


When two dicks are stuck in an ass and causes an anal tear

“Where are you from?” “Vermont” “Oh so you like two dicks in your ass fucking sicko

by Maaakkkkkkkk July 20, 2022


An imaginary state that doesn't exist and never will
like who even actually lives here

P1: "have you guys ever been to vermont"
P2:"wtf is a vermont"
P3:"a place in pennsylvania i think"

by radical_arson93 March 19, 2021


Vermont is a code word for offing yourself. If you say ‘oh I’m going to Vermont next Tuesday’ it implies that you will not be alive on Tuesday.

avi: what do you have planned after school?

Farrah: I’m going to vermont, care to join?

Avi: omg not without me

by Boioioing January 10, 2024


the sexiest man you will ever meet in your entire life. Everyone instantly falls on their knees for him.

Korain: look! its my.. extremely attractive boyfriend, Vermont.
Celine: hes fucking ugly
Korain: die. he's hot as fuck

by penisluvr69 April 24, 2021