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weather weenie

A weather enthusiast who gets excited by extreme weather, but who has little or no knowledge of the science of meteorology.

Weenies often inhabit Internet message boards and issue "wishcasts", which are forecasts based on the author's desire for extreme weather. They try to justify their wishcasts with anecdotes and pseudoscience.

While professional forecasters examine computer models to make forecasts, weenies often treat the forecasters themselves as data sources upon which to form their wishcasts.

When an extreme weather event isn't going to plan, weenies will often react by issueing "bittercasts", which greatly overestimate the extent to which the supposed extreme weather has weakened.

Weenies are very self-absorbed and emotional, and become morbidly distraught when a forecasted extreme weather event doesn't pan out in their backyard. Even if the forecast was generally correct for surrounding areas, weenies will angrily denounce the forecasters.

Some made-up weenie quotes illustrating the terms:


"I have a term paper due tomorrow that I haven't started yet, I think we'll get 3 feet of snow though, just look at the storm swirl on the satellite."

"When DT and LC and JB agree on a forecast, watch out!"


"Well, we're getting dry slotted and it's hardly snowing. The storm's a bust. We'll end up with 1/4 inch."

(Later, weenie still gets a respectable 18 inches)

"We only got 18 inches instead of 36. WORST FORECAST EVER"

by VxG September 10, 2004

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The plural form of weenus. To be used when refering to both your left and right weenus.

"ow, dude, i totally scraped my weeni when i fell yesterday..."

by The Colt August 26, 2009

4👍 41👎

weenie boil

A hot tub party with only dudes present. Derived from it's similarity to a crock-pot with water and hot dog wieners in it.

Mike's cabin was fun, but we need to get some chick's next time. The hot tub was a serious weenie boil.

by jdizzzzzzle February 26, 2011

weenie mobile

1. A large hotdog-shaped float that represents Oscar Mayer and sometimes appears in Thanksgiving parades or on commercials

2. A word thrown around in a sentence without specific meaning, sometimes as a filler or conversation starter; Also a non-profane way of insulting someone

1. "I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner..."

2. "Boy, that cashier sure was a weenie mobile."

by weeniemobile November 26, 2010


the white forskin (turtle neck) on your penis.

hold on let me unzip

by jack mehoff July 13, 2004

7👍 71👎

Weenie Arm

1. A hand job.

2. Reference to one’s preferred hand/arm to masturbate with.

3. An insult referring to someone as a real jack off or one who jerks off others for money or personal gain to make themselves important or useful.

1. Rachel pulled the car back behind the Safeway loading dock and gave me a vigorous weenie arm till I busted on her console.

2. I can’t wait to get home tonight. I got a date with my weenie arm. Which do you prefer? Always a righty braaaaahhhh.

3. The new assistant is no doubt the principal’s new weenie arm.

by Dick Onchin May 10, 2020

Weenie Babies

Institutional investors who panic sell at the first sign of a market downtrend

The Hedge Fund weenie babies are shorting the market again

by Dragan1979 May 7, 2021