Yee-Yee is taking the South by storm. Originating in the Mid Atlantic region of Dixie the term once of excitement has been replacing the terms of redneck and Hick to mostly represent the kids that hang out at Tractor Supply or Rual King in there muscle cars sqauted trucks and Tractors when there are no bon fires near by.
Once the Yee-Yee's were made to leave the parking lot, they went over to the local Cook Out.
douchebags who are a little bit too excited by the size of their trucks, who try to be country so hard but live in a big city. They lift their trucks to over compensate for their tiny peckers.
I just screwed my sister! YEE YEE!
Yee yee is when you need you horse to come to you and fly you to the moon so you can flex on all of the broke heaters with your Gucci pods
Wow he just yee yeed on all of us broke people
An exclamation used by donkey dick rednecks it is a exclamation of excitement or really anything to do with being redneck
Redneck: Gotta get that truck in there yander mud Yee Yee
a catchphrase used by IBP (Ireland Boys Productions) which consists of One Hit Rick, Ninja Nick (also known as NCK), IBD, and IBM. It's usually used by IBD to replace "hello"
" Yee Yee guys, welcome back to another video."
Earl Dibbles Jr.
Only explanation needed.
"All my Yee Yee people, love smokin that diesel!"