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Birthday Debt

Birthday debt, is when a friend, or family member forgets to get you a birthday present. The friend or family member is now in debt and has to give you two presents the following year.

"No, I need two presents, you're in birthday debt, remember?

by Fckmylifeeeee August 22, 2019

Nipple Debt

When your junk is on lock down because you are in a relationship, but your nipples are free to play and you use them to get free drinks. Unfortunately you fail to pay your with a showing of your nipples. HENCE YOU ARE IN NIPPLE DEBT.

Clark is in so much Nipple Debt because of last Friday.

by vampireschoolgirl June 5, 2015

debt bouncer

a person who bounces his debt on any other people (even not related people) to avoid his own debt responsibilities ,

usually they insist other person has the money and will give it back

these type of people are usually absolute loosers in life in general and owe money to everyone, so they borrow money from other people to give their old debts back and they are always stuck in a debt circle and lies

a: hey jack, do you have that 50 you owe me ?
j: oh yes yes, tommy owes me 50, you can take it from him
a: i dont know tommy is, stop bouncing your debts bitch

a: hey tommi, jack said you owe him 50, he owes me so you can give it to me
t: ah fuck, jack is a debt bouncer dont trust him, i gave the cash to him last week

by ArnieeeK March 2, 2017

Debt collector

Someone who goes to the club and get girls numbers

Hey Bob I'm going to the club to get some numbers tonight
Bob: you better leave those broke hoes alone you going to be paying all there bills you must love being a debt collector

by Snowk1ng August 24, 2017

wet debt

Being in debt so much, that it is hard to meet it, which makes you sweat. Hence, it becomes a wet debt.

Harry is in a wet debt, because he is unable to make ends meet as he lost his job.

by Vipansh November 28, 2013

slap debt

When someone wins a slap bet but has yet to deliver the slap. This may be due to a desire to strategically time the slap or, more commonly, the lack of fortitude to strike a fellow human being.

"Dude, I heard you lost a slap bet to Tracie last week! That must have hurt!"

"Naw, she still owes me a slap debt. She doesn't have it in her."

by Obey The Hypnotoad February 19, 2014


The machine used to create the national debt and by design was invented to punch through the debt ceiling with impunity.

"Dude - I thought it was Congress and the President making us broke. I came to find out it is the debt-o-matic device invented by our large number of entitled citizens!! Man, what a team . . .

by Contracts God December 18, 2012