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Deranged Giraffe Elbow

Two definitions:

-The act of sticking one's elbow and fist into the air and moving them up and down. Some people do this to "recharge" when they are heavily intoxicated.

-An expression used to describe something that is all bent out of whack. Similar to a Sucky Piece of Santa, but not quite.

Hunter: Kelsey is on the floor doing that weird Deranged Giraffe Elbow thing again.
Katelyn: Oh now she's getting up, she must be recharged!

by dan_gleewang January 22, 2021


Mad and Insane

That Person Is Deranged

by Sub2JackNinjaWild September 11, 2021


To be deranged is to go to a railroad at midnight and eat salted butter and snickle cracks.

It was 1928 in this little s.p. alley when I became deranged one midnight eating salted butter and snickle cracks, giggling the holy giggle.

by Kimble kap May 25, 2024


Insane , crazy , out of your mind, nuts

These liberals are so deranged

by Dr.33 January 22, 2021

Mittani Derangement Syndrome

Mittani Derangement Syndrome (MDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Spacelord Mittani, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.

Villy, sadly, suffers from such a bad case of Mittani Derangement Syndrome that he can't handle people actually listening to his interview.

by Zabbara June 4, 2021

Diversity Derangement Syndrome

An unhealthy obsession against diversity (most notably racial and sexual) seen by consumers of media products like movies and video games. An individual with DDS would go on an unhinged rant about how something is ruined because it either features diversity such as including a POC individual or said product would attempt to be inclusive to a diverse audience.

"Did you see that annoying clickbait video about how Gaming is ruined by DEI and wokeness"
"That guy talks about diversity in every video."
"He must be suffering from Diversity Derangement Syndrome."

by ghmorello December 31, 2025

Derangement Syndrome

The condition of feeling an emotion usually hate or anger so intense or irrational, at a specific person, group, or ideology, that a response is triggered which is equally intense and usually irrational.

Person 1: That dude is yelling about how x is evil incarnate. What's up with him?
Person 2: Must have x Derangement Syndrome/Must be deranged/Must have derangement syndrome.

by think about it...... October 6, 2020