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Drinking with your friends and having a good time

or drinking as much alcohol with your friends in a limited time

Hey bro lets do some rallying tonight!

We rallied all last night

by Hitman504 August 21, 2009

21πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


"Rallying" is a form of Motorsport that are mostly on "stages" (a specific route that the driver needs to follow) And the driver's task is finish up the stages in the least amount of time as he can.

But, it isn't that simple the driver doesn't have a map or anything, that' s when the co-driver comes in.
(A co-driver in Rally is a person that tells some "pacenotes" to guide the driver)

Ex. "Right 5, into left 3, 50 meters jump and right 1"
(numbres means how tight or open the corner is, 1 is the sharpest corner, and 6 is the opposite)

So, Rallying is doing a stage on the minimun time possible.

Person 1: Yo man, get that Ford Fiesta and let' s go Rallying!

Person 2: Aight man, but don' t break the car

Person 1: cool, i'll drive and you're telling me the Pacenotes

by NoriStuffSV August 7, 2023


To return to normal life or duties after a long and fun night of drinking with friends.

Dude are you ok?

Yeah, I’m rallying right now, yesterday I was out with the boys.

by A man on a misiΓ³n August 18, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Clawing your way out of the depths of drunken hell and rejoining the party in full-on pimp style.

Person 1: "Did you see babyglo rally like a champ last night?"
Person 2: "Yeah, and she managed to find her sunglasses!"

by SamKram October 5, 2006

611πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


Commonly found in college students’ vocabulary, the act of regaining strength and motivation to continue consuming alcohol and attending parties. One may want to β€œrally” after consuming alcohol for a number of hours prior to a party, yet when the time of the party arrives he/she is too tired or drained to persist. The act of β€œrallying” would then take place to ensure attendance at the party.

"Katie, pull yourself together and rally! Let's go."

by sophanc September 25, 2014

99πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


An extremely long basketball shot. Meant to be made, although no effort was made whatsoever for its completion. Usually results in removing from the court.

Tony was rallising against white plains, he chucked up mad threes and a rallis.

by Peterballer91 February 2, 2010


When the car is specifically made to go vroom vroom fast on all type of ground surface. It will go vroom fast over bumps, it will go vroom droft handbreak on corners

Rally is fast (`・ω・´)

by JapaneseGaurd August 8, 2019

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž