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a girl that is insanely pretty..i love her..she is funny, blonde, eats alot, loves tacos, loves clint, finds spaces useless, and likes to party on new years ever;)

guy 1:dude you see that girl up on stage partying?
guy 2: yeah bro, what about her?
guy 1: shes such a leah, i love her

by tomoooommmaaaa January 12, 2010

84πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


Often small and likes to go to the gym, can’t decide wether to have her hair curly or straight.likes to stick with a small group of freinds but not because she wants but because she has to as she isn’t as popular as she thinks she is.However Leah is amazing and smart and is usually a teachers pet.

Friend: she is really small!

Friend2:of course she is a Leah

by Therapy session 09 April 18, 2019

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The girl 1st that gave me head

Leah was the girl 1st that gave me head

by I'ma dum ass June 28, 2017

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


shes a cunt

john: why is she such a leah
everyone:bloody outcast

by potatoe69420 September 8, 2019

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž




by ReeReeRoasted August 4, 2019

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is amazing every second you are with her. She can cheer you up even in your saddest moments. Leah is usually really intelligent, funny,cute, and not a waste of time

Wow Leah did great on that test and she’s really cute

by One life to live June 16, 2018


Leah is an amazing girl with the most fun personality, the cutest face and smile, and the most amazing body ever. Not sure exactly what it is about her body but there is just something about it that is so attractive. She is also very modest about it which I find attractive. Currently, I wanna gw her but that is because I just FaceTimed her and normally I don't think about her unless we just ft. But with her I can ft the night away, she is just so much fun to talk to. After I talk to her there is legit nothing else I can think about, she is just so beautiful. I think if you were to close your eyes and try to picture the most beautiful person or the perfect body you couldnt even get that good lmao.

Im super surprised that she hasnt hu yet, cause rn I would totally gw her.

Idk bout tmrw tho lmao...

I wanna gw Leah rn

by amazon71002 November 27, 2018