a sentence used for discord moderators
discord mod : hello my e-kitten
you : go kys and noone loves you
When you get a boner, referring to both hands on the clock pointing up when it is noon
The cock strikes noon when one watches porn or with their significant other
For people who don't necessarily like the word midnight, for whatever reason, noon at night is a favorable option.
I'll be home when I get off work, sometime around noon at night.
Mr. Noone better known as iron man got in a fight with the fresh prince. The fresh prince said that iron mans arms were as fragile as glass. Iron man responded by telling prince he had the iron hairline
Mr. Noone i got some technical difficulties
No Questions just run for your fucking live!
Mcree: It's High Noon
Enemy: Wait what?!
(noun, colloquial; also as: noonshine, noon-shine)
the lustrous appearance of skin on the face as the body naturally secretes oils throughout the day; the apparent sheen of skin about halfway through the workday as you've begun to break a stress-sweat and also it's humid AF and the boss won't turn up the a/c because it wastes corporate's money; akin to the five o'clock shadow.
Staci keeps blotting paper in her purse to absorb the noon-shine from her forehead before touching up her makeup after lunch.
This looming deadline is giving me a noon shine!
These TPS reports are making me so livid, I'm sweating up a noonshine like a mofo.
A racist joke otthe good old cowboy with kooties.
Sam: Hey Guess what taite?
Taite: What four eyes?
Sam: its Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh Noon
Taite: Shut the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck up