Someone who has conformed to social norms and does not flow out of them. Not as much of a spec of edginess exists upon them. Most plebs are caught doing things such as: Wearing converse, openly enjoying school, and saying "I like all kinds of music," but in reality only listening to pop.
Abby told me she likes all kinds of music, which is cool being a music junky. But then come to find out, all the music on her phone is just pop stuff and she has no real grasp of music. What a pleb!
a poor PC gamer. please help these poor slaves of PC gaming rise to the freedom of console gaming
A Pleb only plays on their PC sadly they haven't seen the greatness of playing on a console
someone who is an idiot or stupid
did u hear that james got expelled?
yeah hes a mad pleb
a really offensive term that means things i will not repeat
oh look at the pleb
man that’s horrible you can’t say that