Oral Sex performed onto someone while they are on the toilet.
Bobby was drunk last night so Tina gave him a polish newspaper he'd never forget.
Choking the chicken, jacking the beanstalk, date night with Palmella Handerson, tickling Elmo, slap boxing the one-eyed champ...you know.
Please call before you stop by, that way you won't have to catch me while I polish the rod.
When you put a trash bag on the bed, shit on it, then have sex on it.
Honey, what's wrong?
Ugh, I ate the lamb, there's gonna be a polish mudslide tonight!
To polish the prawn is to stimulate the clitoris, often with, but not necessarily limited to the finger.
Crikey, I was having a shower and when i got back she was a way polishing the prawn. The dirty minx. I gave her a right seeing to after she'd given it a good shine
During a threesome with two men and a female; the act of your buddy maneuvering the females head while she is performing fellatio. Similar concept as the Dutch rudder
I saw Kevin performing a polish exchange on Ron using Sally's head.
The act of using a turnip or any root vegetable as a butt-plug then pulling it out. Dookie remains on the end of the vegetable like pulling it out of the earth.
Little Natey celebrated the beginning of Fall by having a Polish Harvest in his bed chambers.
When someone scores 25 in a round of Hearts, getting every point except for one.
James always tried to shoot the moon while playing hearts, but he only ever scored a Polish run.