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Ross has a big head and is gay

That’s a fag, Ross

by Big manjude July 14, 2018

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A skinny faggot that thinks he's cool but is really an anti-social loser who thinks special kids are funny.

Ross is gay.

by BRannon GaY September 4, 2018

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A homosexual "male" who has ddlb fetish and wants to be a child to perform sexual acts as one. They have a fetishistic obsession with being rape and abuse. They are pussies,weak, and have no integrity. They'll act as if they're child or little girl wearing dresses and playing with dolls. Likes to stalk Chads Probably a oc from some fuck up fujoshi.

Is that guy texting you again, what a Ross.
I don't want to roleplay with a Ross on the yaoi gc.

by Liploss April 14, 2020

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A boy, usually around the age of 13, enjoys games especially those concerning thrones, could build a fort out of how many comic books he owns. Often goes missing for days on end. He will generally look twice his age and has a healthy respect for Stephen Fry, sometimes bordering on gay love interest. While modelling with playdoh he may suddenly lose his shit and consume the substamce, but not before emmiting a sound similar to that of a Zebrafish, which amazes his dog.

A Ross can't handle the thought of his favourite redhead leaving his house though he may find her annoying and slightly insulting.

His kin annoys the shit out of him, especially on Wednesdays, causing him to gang up on the small child with forementioned redhead and redhead's other half.

But in all seriousness a a Ross is pretty sound motherfucker.

Hey did you pick up the Ross or is he still in the bath?

by DatFuckingGinger July 25, 2018

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Rigorous oral self stimulation

Man that guy cant get any. So he uses Ross before bed every night

by Cody frost November 18, 2017

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absolute knob he has no friends and is unloved

ross is a cunt

by poppy200469 March 6, 2018

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A repressed emo rat sex god
The best of the sexes in all the sex
most likely has a vagina...still a guy, though
Loves sex and is even hotter than Jaxson

Jaxson: Ugh, I'm so HOT AND SEXY
Olivia Louise: Not as hot as Ross, though.
Jaxson: can we at least be tied?
Olivia Louise : Don't lie to yourself, buddy-o

by OliviaHasBiggerBallsThanJaxson October 19, 2018

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