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the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

a sentance with every letter in the english lexicon typically used to test typewritters or keyboards to test if all letters work

Customer: "my keyboard doesnt work"
technician:the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
technician: you lied

by why is everything being used April 12, 2022

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

A phrase that makes losing a game of hangman impossible when playing with one guesser. This is due to the usage of every letter in the English alphabet.

Person 1: Hey, you up for a game of Hangman?
Person 2: Definitely!
Person 1: Ok, the category is...
Person 2: seriously? You’re mistaking Hangman with Wheel of Fortune. No hints.
Person 1: Fine. It’s not like you can possibly lose anyway.
Person 2: I hate you. It’s “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” isn’t it?
Person 1: How...?
Person 2: I’m a computer geek. I use it to make sure my keyboard is working because it contains every letter of the alphabet. And the only thing that makes it impossible to lose at hangman is if you have a phrase that has 18 letters out of the 26 in the alphabet in the least. Eliminating mistakes completely is a low blow.

by Arael, Nature Incarnate September 25, 2019

1👍 1👎

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

A sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet, also called a pangram

Let’s see what each letter of “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” looks like with every font that’s installed on my Windows PC.

by bluestinger66 February 14, 2023

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

A pangram sentence meaning a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet.

There literally isn't one, neither Billy Bob or Mary Beth can use it in a sentence. Although I have to include so, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. I apologize.

by Mary Beth and Bobby boys #55th January 27, 2025

LAV jump/hop

The act of ballistically shooting an amphibian infantry fighting vehicle over long distances in Battlefield 4.

"Hey, dude! Let's do a LAV jump/hop to C and land that thing on top of the roof, get some C4."

"Ok, sure. I sure do love LAV hopping."

by bjorm February 23, 2019

Clungee Jump

Imagine holding your hands out to boost someone over a wall, now replace those hands with the flappiest pussy you have ever seen, using the pussy to hold your foot and boost someone up in the air.

"Hey babe can we try the "Clungee Jump?"

by CheesyKnobs December 27, 2018

Ugly Jump Shot

Basically Jack Harlow's jump shot. What the heck is that!!! And he makes them!

Kevin Hart: Whoa! Thats an ugly jump shot!
Jack Harlow: What do you mean.

by pbrfekndmlsanjh9vo February 27, 2025