If a sexual partner has nipple piercings you connect jumper cables them and proceed to fuck them from behind whilst making engine noises as if you just jump started ur car on cold day
Dude she let me jump start her last night
When she’s riding in cowgirl, pinch each other nipples as hard as you can
Dude me and my girl did the jump starter last night, it was an experience.
A term my friend coined in which you jump when you thrust that cooch, increasing sexual pleasure ten-fold
My friend coined jump-thrusting, and I tried it with my girl.
The act of, when one allows the reality of the economy sucking to begin them on a downward spiral of pithy neglect and manic introversion, jumping from a tall structure--but not the Statue of Liberty--to their inevitable death. For what Billy Zane did at the end of "Titanic" when the stock market crashed, see: Slump shot.
As my mama used to say, "When the goin' gets tough, the weak get jumpin'".
Me: Jesus, boy, what happened to TIMOTHY. I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM HIM IN DAYYYSSSS
Jesus: Oh, he slump jump. He is in Hevan now wtigh meee.
In medieval times when a sorceress pulls a train on several wizards in succession.
Agatha the sorceress had a great time at the wizard's castle. All of his wizard friends were there. Agatha pulled off the wizard jumping of her life.
When a sorceress pulls a train on the wizard and his friends.
Agatha is such a whore. The other night she was wizard jumping at Merlin's castle. She hopped from wand to wand like it was no big deal.
people who dont know what jump on someone means
Kevin: Yo jump on kylie
Bruce: Sure
*Bruce walking to kylie*
Jumps on kylie without hurting her