A character in a Tally Hall song in their album "Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum"
Do you see Banana Man hopping over on the white hot sand
a person that gets attacked by a thing called DA-Chan
Look Da Chan is attacking a banana man
A guy who eats bananas on a daily basis and turns into one. He then gets licked by a human mouth and eaten.
A banana man is a man who turns into a banana
a shady name for a government worker that helps her company or business prosper by breaking up couples who have been together for quite some time to benifit themselves by screwing the guy out of everything he holds dear.
git a man gal: to screw your partner up for the benifit of another in return for . money, drugs, or sex
a man that has giant hairy nuts but his ballsack is fire
panicking and tripping over oneself in a conversation
you're a bit like a ricotta man, so if i wanter i could make you spin like a motherfucker right now