Source Code


1- Great-grandparent's sesquiple-first-cousin.
2- Sesquiple-first-cousin's great-grandchild.
3 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandpibling with the other parent's great-grandpibling.
4 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandnibling with the other parent's great-grandnibling.
5 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandnibling with the other parent's great-grandpibling.
6 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandpibling with the other parent's great-grandnibling.
7- Sesqui-first-cousin-thrice-removed.

My sesquiple-first-cousin-thrice-removed is a good person.

by ZYRB3256 February 21, 2022

the first july 29th

the first july 29th 2021 marks the first day in which melissa cant call ansa her little ansy poo bear </3

the first july 29th will be a setback for the human race

by mylittlesusling June 17, 2021

first great-great-cousin-uncle

Great-grandparent's male first cousin.

My first great-great-cousin-uncle is a good person.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019

first break up

your first breakup will be the hardest to get over. it will hurt the most and will have you questioning yourself everyday. thinking “were they really the one” or “why don’t they love me”. your first breakup will drive you crazy, it will tear your heart into a million pieces. every song you hear and every object you see will some how remind you of them. you will cry. a lot. it will be tough

your first break up will have you crying in your bed for a week wearing sweatpants

by carlygnash February 6, 2018

Others-First Paradox

In the arrow paradox, Zeno states that for motion to occur, an object must change the position which it occupies. He gives an example of an arrow in flight. He states that in any one (duration-less) instant of time, the arrow is neither moving to where it is, nor to where it is not.15 It cannot move to where it is not, because no time elapses for it to move there; it cannot move to where it is, because it is already there. In other words, at every instant of time there is no motion occurring. If everything is motionless at every instant, and time is entirely composed of instants, then motion is impossible.

Whereas the first two others-first paradoxes divide space, this paradox starts by dividing time—and not into segments, but into points.

by Others-First Paradox April 26, 2021

Rubber First

When an idiot names Atom Deathstroke implied a "rubber fist" but mistakenly typed rubber first" and was questioned by Zillian Padecain, he has to quickly create an urban dictionary definition to explain his gross incompetence.

Yo, that atom is a total retard! He had to rubber first to cover his tracks.

by atom death stroke February 5, 2018


1- Child of their parent’s half-grandpibling with the other parent’s grandpibling.
2- Child of their parent’s half-grandnibling with the other parent’s grandnibling.
3- Child of their parent’s half-grandpibling with the other parent’s grandnibling.
4- Child of their parent’s grandpibling with the other parent’s half-grandnibling.
5- Grandparent's sesqui-first-cousin.
6- Sesqui-first-cousin's grandchild.

My sesqui-first-cousin-twice-removed is a good person.

by KOBO8956 September 22, 2021