A person (usually a hiker) who goes where they please, sneaking though the brush on private property to get to their destination.
David's a brush ninja, he cut through that farmers land to get to granite mountain.
An educated spirits specialist with a no nonsense reportoire. One who guides, educates, inspires, with no bull crap. Genuine. Ninja
Peter knows so much about different types of spirits, it's like he's a superhero Spirits Ninja!
When you take a fast, odorless, silent shit that has almost no residue when wiping.
I had to take a shit at school and it was a Ninja Shit, thank god.
When you have finished going Number Two, and suddenly feel more on the way.
"Man, got half way out when I got struck by Ninja Shits"
The best fortnite youtuber and streamer. Almost as good as top5gaming and besttrends. He is so good at fortnite and i love him. Fortnite is the best game and he is the best at it. I love fortnite as much as him. Please play fortnite its the best game.
Wow Ninja (Twitch) is so good at fortnite.
Used as a funeral term to descride AIDS or any other extreme STD
Boy 1: Did you fuck Sally?
Boy 2: Nahh, she the ninja kick. She is getting treated in the hospital.