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Social Credit

It's fake. CCP has never made something like that because China has democracy, while those Americans are not. Do not use my country as a terrible meme, unless you want to be our China's enemy.

Taiwan: I am independent lol social credit -10000

by DuccDuck January 11, 2022

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social workie

Slang: Used when one social work student is addressing an e-mail or other message to fellow social work students.

Person 1: Hey, social workies! Look forward to seeing you all at our mixer tonight!

Person 2: Hey, social workies! That Social Work test is brutal, but this is why we will be partying tonight... see ya social workies!

by CROMan2 February 6, 2010

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social club

Is a term used to identify a collective of ass clowns who voluntarily choose to don denim vests with uncreative embroidered patches affixed to the back of their vests in order to differentiate themselves from other individuals wearing the same ridiculous attire. Moreover, the peculiar practice is very contradictory, as many of these ass clowns prefer to hang out with people from different "social clubs" all while fantasizing they belong to the same club, which completely defeats the purpose of wearing different patches. Individuals unfamiliar with their practices labeled these ass clowns as gangs, due to the fact their attire pathetically mimics the attire worn by motorcycle clubs. However, ass clowns belonging to "social clubs" do not have to worry about any real threat from any motorcycle club, as these ass clowns are only found loitering at or around Disney amusement parks, places where motorcycle clubs usually do not venture. Nonetheless, said ass clowns like to make their presence on social media known by creating profiles for their "social club" and constantly uploading photos of themselves with obnoxious hashtags, such as #Ohana, #DifferentPatchSameLove, or #SundayFunday. It is strongly advised to stay clear of these ass clowns as associating with them may lower your IQ.

"Hi! Here have a button!"

"Nah, I'm good. I just came to get on some rides not join a social club!"

socialclub assclown disney disneyland disneyworld

by antimouse December 22, 2016

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Social Punishment

When you are ignored or ignore someone who has done something particularly horrible or otherwise disgusting.

Ann, Demi, and Jill are walking down the street when they see a hot guy.

Hot Guy: Hi girls

Ann to other 2: woah he's a hot guy!

Jill to hot guy: Wanna come over my house??

**Well Jill has "back stabbed" Ann, because, Ann obviously adored him first.**

-Jill is now on social punishment and no one envolved in the situation is to talk to her.

by Newgeorgcali March 8, 2009

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social democrat

some one who beileves in a bigger goverment. social democrats beileve in taxing on a state level and spending on a federal level. taxing usauly on income

Europes economy is run by these types of libreals.

by John H April 10, 2005

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Social Drifter

one who is not accepted by any of the clicks in society. Signs of a social drifter are constantly opening his/her cell phone acting like he/she is texting though they really aren't, moves from click to click listening in on the conversations even when he/she is unwanted. Tries to make a joke that no one understands.Every city has one though out of all the types of people in the world these are the easiest to spot.

Look at Tyrone he keeps trying to talk to me and everyone else, he is kind of like a social drifter and acts like he has friends.

by Grayson Blake November 6, 2007

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socially conscious

Being conscious and aware of social media and its impact on you or your business.

we are a company that is socially conscious as we care what people are saying online about us, that may effect our reputation

by fratorob March 1, 2017

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