A book written for a mature audience. This type of book usually has sex scenes and other content that would be inappropriate for younger readers. This is a term used to cover up the fact you are reading a "naughty book".
A: This is such a great book!
B: What's it about?
A: Oh, you know, its a jackie book
Where an individual has that many one night stands or dates with different people that they all merge into their version of a relationship.
1: "You've been on that many dates this week that they all seem to merge into a flick-book relationship!"
A list of orders at a given trading Venue; The amount of bids on either side of a market spread, Buy or sell.
That shitcoin Sentinel has the worst Order book depth, It is almost toxic
Old fart
Refering to a downer
Party pooper
"What a burnt book"
"Johns being such a burnt book"
"Book banning" isn't actually banning books in America because the 1st Amendment's protection of the freedom of speech prevents any and all book bans. Instead, "book bannong" is a grossly exaggerated phrase used by a small fraction of people, usually of a liberal persuasion, who wish to incite fearmongering among the populace, usually over books the fearmongers support that are very inappropriate for the age groups they are intended for, specifically regarding graphically sexual material. Removing or restricting children's access to these books, even if merely requiring parental notification and consent for their children to read the books, comes nowhere near the idea behind actual book banning.
"Boy, I gotta tell ya. Conservative Christians don't want middle schoolers reading a book in class describing two boys sucking each other's dicks. Those fundies sure love book banning."
Da official yearly "what it's typically worth" manual stating da average retail value of fellatio performed by women of different ages, body-types, and nationalities.
Anyone who arbitrarily repeats facts from da Kelly BLEW Book can so totally "BLOW it out his ear" --- each individual lady is different, and her capability and satisfaction have nothing whatever to do with her age, build, or nationality; it comes down to the level of "experience" she has, what her lips and tongue are like, how favorably she feels towards you, etc.
A book trophy is a book that is bought for the explicit purpose of showcasing it in a persons personal collection of books, after they have finished reading it. The book is often read digitally.
My wife had ordered her book trophies online after having finished reading a few books, to remind herself of the pleasures of reading them.