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Comment Jew

Someone who requires the approval of profile comments or picture comments on their myspace.

After submitting a comment on Kayla's profile, I recieved a notification that she requires approval of her comments before they can be posted. Fucking comment jew.

by tedious June 23, 2009

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A cover-all derogatory statement, generally used to describe something when you cant think of the actual word.

Person 1: Damn, I don't have any money for booze, all i can afford are those suck-ass jew-niggerings
Person 2: What PBR

Person 1: Damn, I don't have any money for booze, all i can afford are those suck ass jew-niggerings
Person 2: What PBR?
Person 1:Yeah, it tastes like ballsweat

by A.Washington October 21, 2009

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Jew Burger

A hamburger made with a bagel, and cooked in the oven

I love jew burgers, but sauce drips out the bagel hole and gets all over the place.

by i-mer November 15, 2005

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Jew Canoe

An automobile that is very cheap or beat up and will fit alot of people.

That old station wagon is a big jew canoe

by Richard21 March 12, 2012

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Jew Basket

Term made up by the evil mind of Invert as to insult a user that is currently acting "noobish" or immature.

That kid is a total Jew Basket with the noob tube.

by IIInvert July 7, 2010

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Time Jew

A person who refuses to go back and fix something, in fear that they will lose their precious time for counting their money. They'd rather have something look like crap instead of fixing it.

Person: Oh wow. You just laced your shoes wrong.
Time Jew: ITS OKAY. theres no time to go back and fix it anyway.
Person: .. Holy time jew..

by P!NKElEPHANT September 23, 2009

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A vagina that is priced too high; normally belonging to a jewish female prostitute

"Dude, she had such a jew-gina. I couldn't afford it!"

by Hebrew National Sex God November 17, 2011

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