A sentence in english containing every word in the alphabet. Most used in text font downloading websites.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog is a silly sentence!
One who resorts to jumping on his hat when times are rough.
Aw, man, my wife's such a Jump Hatter
Someone who jump from constituency to constituency (that they have no connection to) every time they lose their seat just so they can get re-elected to office instead of remaining in their original constituency and getting re-elected for that seat when the time comes.
Will you vote for Tom Sanders?
no hes not from here, he's a Jumping Jack Candidate
to be lazy, idle, late, moronic
" man, did that << | WURF skip the jump . . . . "
Jump fuel is a mix of strong alcohol and energy drink. It's like cocaine, just legal.
Just got some jump fuel, let's go to the dance floor.
John 1: 19-51
chicken plum licorice liked jumping so rigid the manly orange jelly sandwich kicked santa
John 1:19-51
chicken plum licorice liked jumping so rigid the manly orange jelly sandwich kicked santa