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what it is jive turkey

It's a black persons words for "Whats Up"

"What it is Jive Turkey?" Nuttin much muh Nukka!!

by Chelsie February 22, 2004

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Russian Roulette Turkey Baster

When several of a females guy friends cum into a bowl, then mixed up and inserted into her with a turkey baster and hope they aren't the one to get her pregnant

Son, you were born by Russian roulette turkey baster.

by Russian Roulette Turkey Baster June 26, 2017

turkey freezer chicken dippers

A common phrase used by people from North Yorkshire

Person 1: "How's today been for you?"
Person 2: "Oh, you know.. turkey freezer chicken dippers!"
Person 1: "You and me both, brother!"

by jaaxftw1337 May 4, 2017

abraham and turkey sandwich lincoln

what have you done

Guy: abraham and turkey sandwich lincoln
Cashier: Sir this is a McDonalds.

by notarealperson111 December 8, 2020

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open-faced turkey sandwich

The act of farting and simultaneously shaking one's ass slightly side to side onto a partners face while the partner has mouth open and lies supine on the edge of a suitable surface; eg. a bed, couch, table, etc. This act can either be a mutually agreed upon sex act or a malicious act perpetrated upon someone who leaves themselves in said position while sleeping.

since brad was acting like a bitch and passed out drunk, parker dropped his pants and gave him a well deserved open-faced turkey sandwich

by P-Dubious February 28, 2009

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Turkey Trot Trump Towers

The two Trump Towers located in Istanbul that are deeply symbolic of the powerful gravitational pull of Trump to money, all over the world, to feed his megalomaniacal lifestyle and the bottomless materialistic pit that is his sense of self-worth.

Dancing to the familiar music of rivers of continuously flowing big-ass money, the Real Estate Tycoon in Chief added the Turkey Trot Trump Towers (yes, two!) into his gilded collection of income properties, thanks to his β€œvery good friend who gets very high marks,” President Erdogan who brokered this sweet deal back in 2012!

by Dr Bunnygirl October 14, 2019

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catching the crazy turkey

A sexual act in which 6 chickens, Michael, and Lindsay (as a bird) gather in a bed and make sweet, sweet eggs.

Michael, you're busy over there in Lindsay's bed catching the crazy turkey.

by cjfrey96 December 13, 2014

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