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Tell me and will both know

Better and more creative way to say I don’t know

Q: Do you have herpes ?

A: Tell me and will both know.

by Lyle s July 30, 2022

Baby you should know

I won’t let you go. I’ll show you the world if you say so. Oh she’s so bad, i’ll make it last. And baby i can’t leave you aLOOOONNEEEEE WE’LL TAKE THE HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN AND I CANT WAIT TO LOVE YOU ALL ALONE

Do you ever just, “baby you should know, i won’t let you go”, or are you normal

by washmewhep washmenene August 24, 2020

I dont know, can you?

Teachers favorite quote

Person A: Teacher can i go to the bathroom?
Teacher: I dont know, can you?! 1?1!1!?11!!1
*Person A is annoyed as fuck*
Person A: Fuck you stupid fucktard teacher. Suck my balls and lick my ass!

by INFP 4w5 sp/so 469 phlegmatic May 4, 2023

Now you know how *blank* feels

No. I don't. I don't know how Noah feels because I didn't fuck Kendra, my bills aren't being paid for me, my blood is devoid of attention medication and I didn't get molested. I don't know how women feel because you're not doing this to the feminists who have said the exactly same things I've said. I don't know how a rape victim feels because men are imprisoned over an accusation and I've watched every single person who has allowed me to succeed get slammed by a false accusation. And I don't know how a woman feels because you're not defending my choices regardless of whether or not I'm CORRECT.

A retard "Now you know how *blank* feels."

Hym "No. I don't. But I DO know how GOD feels. It seems like reality is contingent upon everything I say, it's like I'm A GOD now! FIRST DECREE! SMITE THE PETERSON SPHERE! BRING ME THEIR DAUGHTERS FOR RE-BREEDING!"

by Hym Iam March 28, 2024

1👍 1👎

I know there's still good in you

I cliche said by chicks in movies when their boyfriend goes on a villain arc

Peter: "I know what I have to do"
Jane: "you don't have to do this! I know there's still good in you!"

by Saulman500 July 14, 2023

Can Umi Aisyah really knows how to sing? Lol

It is a catchphrase made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal.

Can Umi Aisyah really knows how to sing? Lol

by syafinaz confirms that? November 19, 2023

Ho Don't Know Bout My

An expression used by a bro when a female is not aware of something that a fellow bro has done, usually something awesome. As of lately, this expression is used more to communicate from bro to bro when an explanation would lessen the awesomeness of the situation. This can range from dominating someone in a video game all the way to being smooth with the ladies.

Example #1:
Tom: How did you kill me right after I killed you?!
Jeff: Ho Don't Know Bout My tactical insertion!

Example #2:
Tom: How did you get Emma to go to prom with you?!
Jeff: Ho Don't Know Bout My smoothness!!

by Hugh J. Bootie May 20, 2011