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fly, dank, whack, gangsta, cool, dope

Person 1- that shirt is cool!
Person 2- That shirt is fl.d*wank!!

by ted gallagher November 1, 2010

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cock wank

To discribe A 10/10 bird that gives you the horn without physical contact.

Out in a club/bar and you see a girl thats looking real fit,you turn to ya mates and point her out by saying
"check out the little cock wank over in the corner"

by Dubber May 19, 2006

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Sack Wank

The order in which your scrotum is stimulated either by the hands or the mouth, this is suppose to massage the prostate causing ejaculate to seep out of the penis

im tired of wanking my penis, ill sack wank instead

by abbath32 September 2, 2006

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Russian Wank

To submerge ones pupenda in vokda in order to attain inebriation.

'Hey boys Russian Wank im gonna stick me dick in this vodka! 'Ammered!!!!'

by fsdlkgjhsdkgjad September 15, 2006

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hardcore fish

softcore dogs are wimps

by serial fish. July 17, 2003

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Wank Bastard

A person who is a very naughty boy, or both fat and a wanker, or a bastard.
commen insult.

Dylan Taylor is such a wank bastard

by Cooper :) August 9, 2008

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Wanking hand

The hand that someone use to wank. After wanking, zero shits given, decides not to wash his hand. This happens not just once, but every time someone wanks. If you realise you are about to shake hands with or get touched by a wanking hand, go away immediately. If you realise after making contact with him, you are scared for life XC

Don't shake his wanking hand or you'll be scarred for life.

by Mr Confident June 22, 2016

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