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God knows how long

A thing so long you cannot describe it. Almost infinite amounts of longness. The "long" can also be replaced with other words like "short", "red", "sexy", and etc.

"That tube is god knows how long."

by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName March 2, 2021

how long we've come

Derived from the phrase "how far we've come", this phrase has been first said by Anime YouTuber AnimeUproar's AnimaC on an episode on the Rant Cafe Podcast, this was a dumb mistake by AnimaC.

"It really is crazy how long we've come"
~ AnimaC

by LordTwigo'sFollower November 28, 2020

study long study wrong

My definitions of this meaning is an EXTENSION of the definitions defined by kilo on Mar 24, 2006:

3. In other words, don't take long or force out an idea or it might result as a consequence.

4. Overthinking or overstrategizing can be a mistake.

Usually told to one who procrastinates, especially if it's his move during a domino game.

DOMINO PLAYER 1: Damn Cat you got me forcing moves I don't wanna make. Hmmm....

DOMINO PLAYER 2: Study long study wrong

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant April 27, 2009

68๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Long-Haired Faggot

Adj - 1. To fit the criteria of "Long-Haired Faggot" one must have a hair length that exceeds their eye-brows. Must also have an impeccable style and/or #Swaq about them.

Warning: "Long-Haired faggots" are commonly confused with folks with "Bieber Fever" but they are quite different. To tell them apart, see friend counts. If there is an absents of friends they are with the "Bieber Fever" bandwagon.

Verb - 1.To act like a "Long-Haired faggot" one must mindlessly but into conversations and through irrelevant points into arguments.

2. One may also walk with their head at a tilt to keep their "Gay-Long-Hair" out of their eyes.

eg. 'Cody Talking' "The other day Chase was being such a "Long-Haired Faggot!" He walked up to us when we were talking, with his head perpendicular to the floor, and was like "I wasn't even there!". We were talking about cookies...

by Chaseybug February 29, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

long white cock

A long white cock is synonymous to big black cock but differs in color and its shape is more slender, less abrasive to the female anatomy, hence the use of the word long instead of big. Used to describe a large penis without referring to the popularity of large african american penises.

Betty: "last night, Evan and I ..."
Veronica: "Was it a long white cock?"
Betty: "Absolutely, best thing ever."

by chocolatejam May 11, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

five dollar foot long

A cheap and delicious sub from Subway. Jared eats it and so should you.

Five dollar...
Five dollar foot long!

by Gamer_2k4 January 22, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Long Legged Mack Daddy

An alcoholic mixed drink served with Jack Honey, ginger ale, and a lime on the rocks in a high-ball glass.

Can I please have a Long Legged Mack Daddy.

by Charlie B Kelly June 15, 2020