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jew scout

a jew scout is a person how is a jew and that is a boy scout or a cub scout so there for they count as a jew scout.

That jew scout is in my boy scout troop.

by Andy Kastenbaum March 17, 2005

15πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Jew Baiting

; "Jew Baiting" is in no way insulting or critical of the Jewish Faith or People. It is a very nasty control tool which is often used against them.

Calling a Jew a "denier" is equivalent to calling smokers "child abusers", it garners unanimous support with little that can be offered in defense.

No one can take sides with a "denier" or a "child abuser" without drawing scorn from the crowd, so obediently they side safely with the crowd.


Lindbergh offers a perfect example of Jew Baiting by challenging all opinions of non compliance as offensive; in order to force compliance offered only two options either you are with us for the greater good, or you are the cause of a greater evil.

Another is offered By Diethelm and McKee's recent published article, arguing that anyone who fails to accept the conclusion that normal exposures to "second hand" and "third hand smoke" causes lung cancer is a denialist on the order of those who deny that the Holocaust occurred. In spite of the overwhelming legitimate science, which opposes both conclusions.


If you are not with us you are against us.

by TheFXR February 18, 2009

22πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

Jew Smoothie

The act of stuffing a annoying Jew that talks to much in a blender in annoyance. Doesnt have to be jewish just have a large nose.

That kid had a huge nose and he talks too much, he better watch out or i might make a Jew Smoothie

by Komunizt May 12, 2011

5πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Jew fro

Someone (doesn't have to be a jew) thathas a fro that sticks out to the side like there jewish hat was blocking the fro from coming out anymore so it came out the side also known as a pie head

Dylan:man steven has a jew fro
Dylan:pie head
Mike:o its a shame

by Dylowned August 24, 2005

25πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


a combination of a jew and a puerto-rican. normally quite strange and/or stupid. they greatly enjoy smoking large quantities of weed outside of garages and in parks. if you meet one i reccomend sex-iing them up. they enjoy turkeyslapping

that guy from the show in the seventies, who always said he was a puerto-jew

by jingleballs April 23, 2006

12πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Jew Check

A test of whenever somebody drops any amount of coins, or someone finds a coin on the ground. A person who picks up and keeps the money fails the jew check, and is hereby a jew. Upon finding or dropping a coin, a person will often say β€œjew check” jokingly or as a challenge to a friend.

Tom:*drops a nickel* β€œWhoops, jew check.”
Ben:*picks up the nickel* β€œThis is mine now.”
Tom:”What a jew”

by Ya boi Willy Dick September 30, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

bean jew

Curly haired Portuguese guy named Bruno

Man Bruno is being such a freaking Bean Jew

by Bean jewy January 6, 2018

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž